Monday, February 28, 2011

Response to Natalie Munroe Case

Natalie Munroe set  up a blogging website for her students to be a part of.  The purpose of the blog was to extend her curriculum outside of the classroom.  The blog allowed for the school community and families of students to be a part of the education that goes on inside of her classroom.  Therefore, it was her responsibility to be respectful and open-minded towards her students' responses on the blog.  There is no excuse for her condesending language and negative comments towards her students.  She has rights to the Frist Ammendment as a citizen to the United States but this does not cancel out her responsibility as a teacher to be a good role model to her students.  If these students are exposed to their teacher being immature and disrespectful, they will think it is okay to act this way towards other people in society.  She should not take her role as an educator lightly because the words and actions that students see their teachers model should not be taken lightly. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Controversial Textbook is Approved by Texas Board of Education

The Texas Board of Education just approved a new textbook to be published and released in schools in May of this year.  It has sprung controversy within the state of Texas and nationwide as well.  People fear that it will not only affect students in Texas, but it will also affect students in the country as a whole because people feel that it has restructured education standards.  Historians discredit the textbook and say that the content is not accurate.  The Washington Post wrote an article touching on historian's take on the issue: "The curriculum plays down the role of Thomas Jefferson among the founding fathers, questions the separation of church and state, and claims that the U.S. government was infiltrated by Communists during the Cold War." According to a lot of historians, this book is taking a wrong turn and does not measure valid information from American history.  Another source stated that the textbook is biasly for Conservatives in order to make up for the changes liberals made while they were in power in DC.  Texas State Board of Education member Don McLeroy wrote in USA Today last March. “The left’s principles are diametrically opposed to our founding principles. The left believes in big, not limited, government; they empower the state, not the individual; they focus on differences, not unity.”  This textbook is said to focus on religion in American history and presidents that were conservative (such as Ronald Regan) but not presidents that were liberal (such as Ted Kennedy).

I believe it is important to present history to students in an unbias fashion.  Students who are influenced by teachers do not have the same opportunities to learn about their own genuine values if they are persuaded or manipulated a certain direction.  This textbook has caused turbulence in an already fragile education system and the book is not even published yet, it has only been approved to be published.  I do not agree with it being brought into school in Texas because there is already baggage and uneasiness affiliated the textbook.  The Texas Board of Education has a big responsibility to reach out to all students equally.  If this textbook makes any students feel targeted or uncomfortable with the information given, or not given, it will take away from their learning experience.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vocab makes the world go round

It is important for middle school students to plunge into the world of discovering more vocabulary words.  The years that students spend in middle school are crucial to their education because they are preparing to enter high school.  In high school, students are presented with a wider variety of words and ideas that they will be hearing for the first time.  The more information and vocabulary students are taught in middle school will help them with their reading comprehension, word variety, and knowledge capacity once in high school.  Therefore, it is the middle school teacher's responsibility to offer resources to students that assist them in increasing their vocabulary usage.

This link is an example of a high-quality resource that is useful for both teachers and students:

This site offers a lot a different activities and tests that will challenge middle school students on their vocabulary.  They have the option of being tested in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade level and from there they can choose from multiple options.  This is a great tool for students and teachers to use because it has a good variety of words, there are different methods to choose from, and it is a credible source.

Monday, February 7, 2011


In order to having an easy-flowing and interesting blog there need to be a set of guidelines that set the standard for a safe and appropriate blog.

1. Be original. Use creative thinking techniques to introduce a new idea or add on to a previously developed idea that will link more than one blog post together.

2. Appeal to your audience.  This blog will be an extension to your classroom time, therefore understand that what you say will be read and considered by the audience reading your blog. Once you have posted a new entry, your words have entered a world of accessible viewing.

3. Bring in reliable sources.  Blog entries are more intriguing and credible when you back up what you are trying to say with an outside perspective. ( Don't forget to give credit to whichever sources you use).

4. Post with intention.  Don't make a blog entry simply for the sake of blogging.  People will be reading your blog and will be interested in what you have to say so put thought into your posts and have a reason behind each opinion or idea you present. Keep your entries relevant to your general blog.

5. Use a variety of vocabulary.  This is a great opportunity for you to try a diversity of words instead of using the simplest version of a meaning.