Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good blogs are better than bad blogs.

Blogs are a great way to communicate efficiently and quickly to the world.  They offer the opportunity to speak loudly while listening to others at the same time.  A good blog catches people's attention.  The content is interesting enough so that the reader is pulled in and curious to view further posts.  A good blog has main themes and branches off from the roots of its main themes so that the reader knows what to expect while still being surprised by the creative posts that the blogger writes.  Information on well-written blogs is relevant and supported with solid reasoning behind it.  A bad blog lacks excitement and variety.  The reader trails off into a world of boredom as the blogger's words hang off the page as if they were thrown on the page carelessly.  Bad blogs are unorganized and difficult to follow from post to post.  I plan on writing my blog in an organized manner so that the words and ideas flow off the page.  My blog will be entertaining and insightful as I share with you the experiences I have in my Mid-Level Pedagogy for Language Arts & Social Science class.  Within the class sessions we will be learning efficient ways to incorporate reading and writing into the social science classroom, new ways to use technology in the classroom, and unique teaching techniques that foster growth and learning for mid-level students. I look forward to seeing where this experience takes me and sharing it with you.


  1. I like what you said about the interest factor. Too often people use blogs as locales to simply tell the story of their day. While that's all nice and good, if it's lacking the interest factor through presentation or anecdotal input it has no purpose.
    I also love the idea of the focus with branches and variety. That central focus pulls the reader back to the blog time and time again.

  2. I'm looking forward to following your thoughts as we move through the semester!

  3. "Bad blogs are unorganized and difficult to follow from post to post." -Kasey Rose. I agree 100%, the benefits of blogging with students can easily be outweighed by the negatives aspects of technology. If for example, an educator continual makes his or her blog entries ridiculously long and dry, his or her students will not read it anyway and it will simply become a waste of time.

  4. I would have to agree with you that good blogs are better than bad blogs. Personally I don't like boring things unless I want to be bored. Usually I don't want to be bored.

  5. I agree that bad blogs often lack variety and are unorganized. I think that one way to help the readers follow along or keep them excited is to add extras to the blog. By "extras", I mean using pictures, videos, or links to other websites. The extras keep the reader engaged and excited about the post.
